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This is supposedly good news. I hope many would be encouraged to be an entrepreneur with this.

It's essential to the growth of a small business today to get the proper loans. Businesses looking to expand or move their facilities should consider checking out commercial building finance options to help them make the change.

Ah yes, the SBA loans! I will always be not surprised if there were good news or bad news pertainig SBA loans. The good news will seem to delight almost everyone but for how long? The economy is always unstable and everything will change in just a zap! And as for the bad news, o yeah, what do you expect? Just a slight decline is always a bad news for everybody!


Has SBA lending picked up much since July 2010?

The answer is yes SBA loans have picked up year over year and since mid 2010. I can't tell you the exact number but they are up year over year since 2009. More than the increase in volume is the number of banks asking to do deals and offering SBA loans for start ups, expansion, business purchases and commercial real estate loans. It is not material to quantify the number of loans or volume at this point in time. You can get that from SBA or Google SBA loan volumes by office, state or national basis. Only thing important for a borrower is to get started with the application and find a lender. There is nothing in the statistics that should concern the borrower. Getting the application done is JOB ONE.


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  • Craig G. Francis originally worked a a lender for 12 years. He then saw a need for the entrepreneur to have someone on their side who spoke the language of banking and could facilitate the deal. Over 2500 loans and a billion dollars of funding later this is the guy you want on your team.

    As you search through SBA Loan related-sites you may drawn towards a site that will ask for a submission fee, that is a warning sign. In reality you may not be ready to apply.

    Here are some good reasons to apply...

    * Starting a Business
    * Buying a Business
    * Expanding a Business
    * Buying Property for a Business

    SBA Loans can be used for start-ups, expansion captial, refinancing loans, buying a business, buying an owner user building.

    For the ones who are ready for an SBA Loan, there is an opportunity. You need...

    * Good Credit
    * Equity
    * Great Business Plan
    * A capable first rate team.

    Before you spend any money you should know if you are qualified.
    If you are interested in having a talk with Craig G. Francis about brokering a loan then call him directly at 1-888-666-9722.

    If you want to do more research take a look at our sister sites. CraigGFrancis.com.

    We want you to make an informed decision and we hope that this page can inspire you see how your project can benefit from an SBA Loan.

    We invite you to download 2 Free Reports by filling out the form on this page and we will be in touch.

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