Fortworth, TX- 8.9.2011 Bob Coleman, Editor of the Coleman Report recently spoke at the 2011 Mid Conference in Forh Worth TX.
“The lenders lend to the entrepreneurs on Main Street to fulfill their dreams and to hire employees. When you talk to the politicians, there is the list with GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Wall Street that received trillions of dollars in bailouts. SBA didn’t need a bailout. The money that went to SBA were for future projects.” - Bob Coleman
It's important that we get this message out. SBA continues to be misunderstood as it get thrown into these conversations. While the work that is possible with the SBA continues to be fairly steady. The media, administration and politicians come up with ways to SPIN it into the news often taking away from how important it's core work really is.
It's a fairly simple formula really...Jobs are created by new and the expansion of small business. Let's support small business.