Fifteen companies with the combined buying power of 300 billion will be looking to connect with suppliers at, private-public collaboration As part of the American Supplier Initiative. The Supplier Connection is an online portal created by the IBM Foundation that allows small businesses to send information about their products and services to 15 large private sector companies.
- AT & T
- Bank of America
- Caterpillar
- Citi Corp
- Dell
- JP Morgan Chase
- John Deere
- Kellogg’s
- Office Depot
- Pfizer
- Wells Fargo
“The American Supplier Initiative is part of a comprehensive solution to grow small business, create jobs and ensure that America has a strong, deep and diverse supply chain.” - SBA Administrator Karen Mills
For more details check out the website at
Craig G. Francis is the owner of Francis Financial and The SBA Loan Store. He has been a top producer of SBA Loans since 1981, and has worked with Dun & Bradstreet and Bank of Commerce. Craig Francis has the expertise to steer clients through the often confusing rules and regulations associated with SBA Loans, having helped over 2,500 businesses acquire over a billion dollars in loans. He can be contacted through,, onLinkedIn, or at 888-666-9722.